Perform a comprehensive exploratory analysis of your data and get deep insights

Easily obtain graphs that include relevant information about the data and its characteristics, helping in decision making for subsequent analyses.

Perform a comprehensive exploratory analysis of your data and get deep insights​

Easily obtain graphs that include relevant information about the data and its characteristics, helping in decision making for subsequent analyses.

Tools to perform extensive exploratory analysis, investigate and learn from the data to make hypotheses.

The exploratory analysis is a powerful descriptive tool to explore the set of your data and carry out cleaning or purging through the graphical representations.

Visual charts to organize, tabulate, summarize, and present data in an informative way.

Iterative processes thanks to the immediacy of Síagro to extract information instantly

resumen estadistico
resumen estadistico

• Visualization of data and numerical summaries

o Automatic calculation of means, standard deviations, minimum, maximum, missing values…
o Do it by data set or by grouping by factors for a more comprehensive analysis.


• Distribution of the variables

o Histograms
o Normality tests for both small and large samples, and calculation of p-values: Test de Anderson-Darling y Test de Shapiro-Wilk.

datos atipicos
datos atipicos

• Outliers

o Boxplots to detect outliers (atypical values) ​​that can generate a subsequent misleading analysis as they are isolated data very distant from the rest and probably incompatible.

• Evolution of variables over time

o Sequential diagrams and adjustment lines to know how the data of each variable vary in terms of time.

matriz de correlacion
matriz de correlacion

• Relation between variables 

o Scatter plots: Identify possible relations between two variables.

Graphs and Correlation Indices: Show the strength of the linear relation between two variables.
Linear regression graphs: Incorporates a line of adjustment for greater precision of the analysis.

Síagro includes the possibility of obtaining a matrix of scatter graphs to show the relation among multiple variables, as well as to differentiate groups (dates, batches…).

Exploratory Analysis makes it easier for us to carry out more advanced analyzes with the certainty that we understand our variables, their behavior and trends

Síagro is statistical software created by data scientists and production specialists for business professionals who understand the importance of data in the business to reduce costs and increase margins.

Do not perform any calculations with Siagro. You will have all this and much more in just a few clicks.

Download advanced reports to make decisions, and to justify them.

Do not perform any calculations with Siagro. You will have all this and much more in just a few clicks.

Download advanced reports to make decisions, and to justify them.

toma de decisiones

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